Cloud Study
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
Launched on April 7, 2008 as App Engine.
Founded in July 2002, it has more than 200 products and services.
"Azure was introduced as Professional Developers Conference (PDC) in October 2008. It was officially launched as Windows Azure in Feb, 2010, renamed into Microsoft Azure on Mar.25, 2014."
My favorite functionaliites include Resource Group Concept and Working log for each service.
Amazon Maintains Lead in the Cloud Market
Cloud Market Share: A Look at the Cloud Ecosystem
Network Security
How to remove public IP from VMs? Users need to use Tunnels via cloud CLI and servers. Here are the cloud service for tunnelling.
AWS System Manager Session Manager(SSM)
Port Forwarding Using AWS System Manager Session Manager
Azure Bastion
Configure Bastion for native client connections
GCP Identity-Aware Proxy(IAP)
Terraform to manage the cloud resources and their states.
EP70: Cloud Services Cheat Sheet