How to find cross reference? How to find issues earlier? How to use debugger?
Scanner build
Scan for mistakes, security issues and Vulnerabilities.
Performs analysis on the applications and reports the vulnerabilities
Automated Code Review
- PMD: Finding Common Vulnerabilities
- DevSkim: Code Security Review
- FindSecBugs: Securing Java Applications
Benefits of Automated Code Review (ACR) over Manual Code Review (MCR)
Sensitive Information Scan
The Sensitive Information Scan (SAS) phase scans the code for sensitive information (e.g. hardcoded password, tokens, secret keys, etc) before pushing the code into code repositories.
- Trufflehog: Locating Sensitive Information
- GitSecrets: Finding Hardcoded Credentials
- Talisman: Pre-Commit Code Scanning
Using Trufflehog and GitSecrets
Static Application Security Testing
The Static Application Security Testing (SAST) is done to identify the possible vulnerabilities or security issues in non-running source code by using techniques likeTaint Analysis and Data Flow Analysis.
More Static Code Analysis techniques
Why is it important in DevSecOps?
The Static Application Security Testing phase can be used to identify security issues. For example, taint analysis can identify the variables that can handle the user input and check if vulnerability like buffer overflow can occur.