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  • How to validate the feature requirements?
  • How to build confidence about our product?

Testing Techniques

  • Parametrized testing - Data Driven Testing
  • Behavior Driven testing.


  • Pytest - Plugin-based test framework.
  • tox - automate and standardize testing in Python
  • Robot Framework
  • pexpect - Expect-like module, a better tool for controlling other applications.
  • paramiko - SSH client and server functionality

Java Family

JUnit 5 vs TestNG

Dynamic Application Security Analysis (DAST)

The Dynamic Application Security Analysis (DAST) is performed to identify the possible run-time vulnerabilities or security issues. Unlike static analysis, dynamic analysis is performed on a running project.

Tools Covered

Performance test

A/B Testing

A/B testing is essentially an experiment where two or more variants of a page are shown to users at random, and statistical analysis is used to determine which variation performs better for a given conversion goal.

Canary Testing

Canary Testing is a way to reduce risk and validate new software by releasing software to a small percentage of users.