Regular expression
Patterns that find a range of characters in the string
- [...] Any of the characters encapsulated.
- [^...] Not any character encapsulated.
- [0-9]
- [a-z]
Special characters or flags that specify the position or frequency of a certain pattern
- p+ one or more times
- p* zero or more times
- p? maximum once
- p{n} in a sequence n times
- p{m,n} minimum m times and max n times
- ^p p should exist at the start of the string
- p$ p should exist at the end of the string.
Assertions that see if a character match is possible or not, and accordingly return boolean values without consuming any part of the string.
- Assert that p should be immediately be followed by q
- Assert that p should NOT be immediately followed by q
- Assert that p should immediately be preceded by q
- Assert that p should NOT immediately be preceded by q
Character literals
representations for characters and special characters.
- Alphanumeric Any alphabet or numeric character itself e.g. a is any character which is the letter a
- \0 A null character
- \t A tab character
- \n A newline character
- \v A vertical tab character
- \f A form feed character (next page character)
- \r A carriage return character
character representations for a group of characters falling under the same categories.
- . Any single character ([^\n])
- \s A white space character like tab and spaces ([ \n\r\t\f])
- \S Any character which is not a white space character ([^ \n\r\t\f])
- \d Any numeric character ([0-9])
- \D Any non-numeric character ([^0-9])
- \w Any word character ([a-zA-Z0-9_])
- \W Any non-word character ([^a-zA-Z0-9_])
RegExp object
exec method
It runs the regular expression on a string passed as an argument and returns the found text as an object
test method
It runs the regular expression on a string passed as an argument and returns a boolean value telling if a match was found or not.
String methods with RE
Search method
It takes a query-string as an argument and searches within the string to return the character index at which the query-string starts. It returns “-1” if no match is found.
replace method
It takes a query-string as an argument and searches within the string to replace the matching substring.
RE example
// Check if the password is strong password.
// Length: .{6,} (Minimum 6 characters)
// Uppercase letter: .*[A-Z] (A-Z)
// Lowercase letter: .*[a-z] (a-z)
// Numeric digit: .*\d (0-9)
// Special Character: .*[\W] (any character other than {0-9, a-z, A-Z})
var isSafe = function(password)
var regex = /^(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*\d)(?=.*[\W]).{6,}$/;
return regex.test(password); // return regex.test(password) after completing regex