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The format: 4 projects, 3 exams, 2 paper summaries

difficulty: Pr1 > Pr2 >> Pr4 > Pr3


  1. pthread based warmup exercise (C, involves finding 5 bugs) Time spent: 10h

  2. Virtual Machine Scheduling in KVM(C, libvirtAPI) virtualization, memory allocation, and scheduling project

    vCPU scheduler and memory controller (C, uses libvirt API) Time spent: 15h The libvirt docs weren't the best, but once you got over that it was mostly fine.

  3. Barrier synchronization primitives (C, uses OpenMP and MPI libraries) Time spent: 15h Really cool seeing the end graphs and figures, but using PACE cluster sucked.

  4. gRPC asynchronous hybrid client/server with thread-pool (C++, uses gRPC) Time spent: 10h Once I got accustomed to the gRPC asynchronous API calls it became fairly simple to handle.

  5. Map Reduce framework (C++, uses gRPC) Time spent: 20h (about 15h implementation, 5h debug) Lots of boilerplate to understand. Cool end product, but definitely start ASAP.






Mastering KVM Virtualization