CS 6601- AI - Machine Learning
Machine Leraning
CH. 19 Learning from Examples
CH. 20 Learning Probabilistic Models
CH. 21 Deep Learning
In theory.
Machine Learning
Pattern Recognition (not necessary learning)
Data Mining (big data)
- Recognition
- Optical
- Face
- Text
- handwriting
- Speech
- activity
- Web Search
- Spam filtering
Weka and HTK
Supervised Learning
label examples from learning.
Decision Trees
K-Nearest Neighbours(KNN)
Try different k, check the best result, label it with majority of k nearest neighbours.
Cross validations
- The data collected is a good representation for the problem
- The data spans the space of unknown examples
- Take 10% randomly for reserved final prediction test.
- The remaining 90%: 20% for testing(independent test set), 80% for training.
ML Competition: Kaggle, codalab, chalearn
Leave one out, Cross Validation(LOOCV)
Normal distribution
Central Limit Theorem
Bayes Classifier
AIMA: Chapter 20.1-20.2
Maximum Likelihood
Decision Trees
Information gain
Random forest
Neural Nets
Input -> Activation function -> output
Feed forward network has no internal states, has connections in one direction.
Recurrent networks have directed cycles with delays.
Unsupervised Learning
discover repeated patterns in the data.
Deep Learning(Neural Networks)
"Deep" refers to circuits are typically in a layered structure and computations are steps by steps.