The Open Container Initiative ensures via standardization of the compatibility of the different container systems.
- Shared kernel
- Isolated network
- Optimized file system
- One process per container.
Nexus and Artifactory
Immutable server with Docker
Docker and tools: Puppet, Chef or Ansible
Idempotent installation means that an installation script provides the same results no matter how often it runs.
Docker Compose
In a Docker Compose environment, a service can simply contact another service via a Docker Compose link and then use the service name as the hostname.
Docker Compose links also implement load balancing and
set the start order so that the dependent Docker containers start first.
- Virtualization has too much overhead.
- Processes are not sufficiently isolated.
- Other container solutions such as rkt are far less common.
- Docker Swarm Mode
- Kubernetes
- Mesos is actually a system for managing batches
- for data analysis in a cluster but it also supports Docker containers.
how the load is distributed in the cluster is decided by the scheduler?
Docker containers are used for deployment, keep production and test env identical as Immutable servers.
Traditional virtualization is still responsible for high availability, scaling, and distribution to the servers.
That is, by Kubernetes or Docker Swarm Mode.
- Fail-safety
- Load balancing