CS6035 Intro To Info Security
Lectures are optional. This course is projects based: 7 mandatory projects, 1 bonus projects. Overall, this is ha ands-on course. I practiced my skills across various topics about software securities.
Projects, score percentage and its spent time
Man in the Middle 13% - 11 hrs
In this project, we need to analyze the Wireshark captured network packages to do Internet Relay Chat(IRC) analysis, manually and programatically via PyShark, The traffic may involve TCP, DNS, HTTP, IRC, etc.
We may use CyberChef to decipher some code.
Database Security 13% - 12 hrs, 5 hrs review lectures
We will analyze SQL injection, Database, Spreadsheet information leak.
Malware Analysis 13% - 7.5 hrs
Here we analyze various malware reports: including:
- Data obfuscation
- Defense evasion
- Network indicators
- Host based indicators
- Malware family associations
- Data theft and exfiltration
- Persistence mechanisms
API Security 13% - 8 hrs
We will try to exploit REST API for information. The topics covered:
- Web-based RESTful http services
- JSON, XML and Yaml serialization formats
- Swagger
- Postman
- OAUTH based security protocols
- JWT security tokens
- CORS browser protection
Cryptography 16% - 13 hrs
Using Python to study cryptography and symmetric and asymmetric crypto algorithms.
Binary Exploitation 16% - 11 hrs
In this project, we're using C Code to exploit C Memory handling with respect to Stack , Heap via pwndbg and GDB .
Binary and Hexadecimal Numbering Systems
Capture The Flag style competition
Log4Shell 16% - 7 hrs
We're using JNDI/LDAP knowledge in Java and exploit via
[NIST CVE Overview] [Randori: What is Log4Shell]
Log4Shell Reference Materials
- General Project Introduction This is a general overview. Some details may change each semester (i.e., login credentials)
- LDAP server used to run the exploit.
- Log4JExploit Intro
- How Log4Shell Works
- Log4J Documentation
- Log4Shell Example
- Helpful Linux Networking Commands
- NCAT Command
- Java Unmarshaller Security
- A Journey From JNDI/LDAP Manipulation To RCE
- Hands on Introduction to Log4Shell exploit in general (not this project but helpful)
- If you have no experience in Java, Log4j/logging, RESTful applications, JNDI, LDAP, we STRONGLY encourage you to do research into the topics.
- A Real World Recent Example of This Exploit and Its Dangers
Machine Learning in Cybersecurity 2.5% - 0.5 hr
Learning Goals of this Project
- Learning Basic Pandas Dataframe Manipulations
- Learning more about Machine Learning (ML) Classification models and how they are used in a Cybersecurity Context.
- Learning about basic Data pipelines and Transformations
- Learning how to write and use Unit Tests when developing Python code