OMSCS Introduction
· One min read
Gatech OMSCS
I joined the Gatech OMSCS program in 2021 Spring. Here are my study and notes of the program: notes.
Students may have different reasons to join this program.
- Learning advanced knowledge and skills for career development
- Explore more opportunities in different concentrations.
- Switch majors from other fields into computer sciences.
I was for the first and second reasons to expand my Computer System skills and expand machine learning knowledge.
Computer Systems AOS
Professor: Umakishore Ramachandran
An article (joint with Professor Zvi Galil our former Dean) on the backstory of creating the OMSCS program appeared as a cover story in the October issue of CACM entitled “Creating a revolutionary new academic program”.
Article - "Creating a revolutionary new academic program"
Video - Creating a Revolutionary Academic Program
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