A Docker Tutorial for Beginners
Multistage build for production and development images
.dockerignore: file ignore files in the context
From : a new build stage and sets the base image.
RUN : Execute commands in a new year on top of current image.
CMD : the defaults for an executing container.
- exec, shell, Entrypoint default form.
ENTRYPOINT : exec or shell form.
LABEL : Add metadata to a image.
EXPOSE: container listens on ports and protocols. Default TCP.
ENV : environment variable in the following commands.
ADD : Add files from the source new files, directories or remote file URLs
COPY : takes in a src and destination
VOLUME: create a mount point and marks it as externally mounted volume in the host
USER: set user access group.
WORKDIR: set the working directory for RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY and ADD.
ARG: intention - update dockerfile if this arguments changed.
ONBUILD: a trigger instruction to be executed at a later time
STOPSIGNAL: system call signal that will be sent to the container to exit
HEALTHCHECK: detect cases such as a web server that is stuck in an infinite loop and unable to handle new connections
SHELL: Change default shell.
Docker commands
- BUILD : use Dockerfile and a context(PATH or URL the set of files)