What's k8s
Resource boundaries in different deployment era:
- Traditional - No boundary
- Virtualized - Isolated resource and security
- Container - Bin + app
minikube provisions and manages local Kubernetes clusters optimized for development workflows.
Why k8s?
- Service discovery and load balancing
- Storage orchestration
- Automated rollouts and rollbacks
- Automatic bin packing
- Self-healing
- Secret and configuration management
k8s components
Control Plane Components
- k8s cluster = a set of worker machines(nodes)
- pods : smallest deployable units
- kube-apiserver: Front end of control plane
- etcd: distributed data store for cluster data.
- kube-scheduler: allocate newly created pods to an available node.
- kube-controller-manager: Node, Replication, Endpoints, Service Account & Token controller.
- cloud-controller-manager: Node, Route, Service controller dependencies.
Node components
- kubelet: manages docker to conform PodSpecs
- kube-proxy: k8s service implementation.
- Container runtime: Docker
- DNS: For service and pods
- Dashboard; UI
- Container Resource Monitoring
- Cluster-level Logging
The Kubernetes API
Open API API object needs to handle buffer, xml or json?
Google developed protobuf before.
Kubernetes Objects - "record of intent"
Kubernetes objects are persistent entities in the Kubernetes system.
- Object Spec: describe the desired state
- Status: current state of the object, managed by k8s control plane.
Management techniques
- Imperative commands: kubectl
- Imperative object config: .yaml file
- Declarative object config: directory of files.
Troubleshooting: k8s error image pullbackoff
Object Names and IDs
Names: /api/v1/pods/some-name
IDs: UUID to track historical occurrences.
Virtual cluster
kubectl get namespace
Namespaces and DNS:
When you create a Service, it creates a corresponding DNS entry.
Labels and selectors
Labels = Identifying key/values
selectors: filtering via label.
equality-based :
set-based :
arbitrary non-identifying metadata to objects.
Field Selectors
kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Running
Cluster architecture
Components: kubelet,
a container runtime, and the kube-proxy
Adding nodes:
kubelet can self-register
user manually add
Pod is the smallest deployable unit, one or more containers with shared resources and network. It can contain init containers and ephemeral containers for debugging.
Workload resource manage pods: Deployment or Job. track state StatefulSet