Kernel Methods & SVMs
Support Vector Machines (SVM)
We can't believe our training data too much.
That's why to pick up the middle line.
Other lines seem to be over fitting.
Optimal separator
Another way of instance of learning, not completely lazy, figuring out which part you could actually stand to throw away.
What's the output?
Using kernel trick.
How do we use function to define similarity? Using kernel function to transform.
The function needs to meet Mercer Condition that it acts as a distance or similarity.
- Margins -> generalization & overfitting
- Bigger margin is better
- Optimization problem of finding max margins: Quadra program
- Support vectors
- Project data into higher dimensional spaces.
- Kernel check via domain knowledge.
Boosting Summary
Margins to generalization & overfitting
Big is better
Optimization problem for finding max margins: QPs
Support vectors
Kernel trick
Domain knowledge.