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Why?It ensures low latency and high throughput.


What? Disk-based -> RAM(Random Access Memory)

Caching Dynamic Data

It has expiry time or TTL. Cache invalidation to purse expired data.

Caching static data

Images, Font files, CSS. Not changed often. CDNS

Application architecture cache can be used


Prevent unnecessary network requests with the HTTP Cache

cross-module communication in a microservices architecture by saving the shared data

a backbone for the microservice communication.

Used in in-memory data stream processing and running analytics.

Case study: Deployment costs reduction

Caching the writes in Memchae thendo a batch operations to update DB. (Write-back strategy)

Caching strategies

Cache Aside

lazy-loaded, the cache works along with the database trying to reduce the hits on it as much as possible


the cache always stays consistent with the database.


each & every information written to the database goes through the cache. Before the data is written to the DB, the cache is updated with it.


In the Write-back caching strategy the data is directly written to the cache instead of the database. And the cache after some delay as per the business logic writes data to the database.