the ability of the application to handle & withstand increased workload without sacrificing the latency.
Latency is the amount of time a system takes to respond to a user request.
This latency is generally divided into two parts:
Network Latency - CDN to cut down.
Application Latency - stress & load tests and refactor the bottleneck.
Type of scalatility
Vertical Scaling - hardware scale up.
Horizontal Scaling - server scale out.
Cloud Elasticity
Scale up & down danamically.
Scalability approach
No static instances in the class. Static instances hold application data & if a particular server goes down all the static data/state is lost.
Development teams today are adopting a distributed micro-services architecture right from the start & the workloads are meant to be deployed on the cloud. So, inherently the workloads are horizontally scaled out on the fly.
Primary bottlenecks
application architecture: not using asynchronous processes & modules where ever required rather all the processes are scheduled sequentially.
Not using caching via several layers
Database: database partitioning, sharding, use multiple database servers to make the module efficient.
Having Business logic in DB
Not right DB: transactions & strong consistency for Relational DB. horizontal scalability on the fly pick a NoSQL database
Code level: unnecessary loops, nested loops, tightly coupled code, Big-O complexity
How to improve & Test scalability?
Performance tunning
Profiling for concurrency errors, memory errors, robustness, safety
Data compression
Avoid unnecessary Client-Server requests.
Testing the scalability
Different system parameters are taken into account such as the CPU usage, network bandwidth consumption, throughput, the number of requests processed within a stipulated time, latency, memory usage of the program, end-user experience when the system is under heavy load etc.
JMeter to load & stress tests.
how production engineers support global events on Facebook.
how Hotstar a video streaming service scaled with over 10 million concurrent users
Cadvisor, Prometheus and Grafana to tracking the system.