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Web app and architecture

Web Application & Software Architecture

Architectural styles:

client-server, peer to peer decentralized architecture, microservices


architects, developers and product owners study and discuss business requirements (Requirement Gathering & Analysis).

Proof of Concept(POC)

Software Tiers

Tiers are logical separation of components in an application or a service. Not just code level, component level like database, UI, backend, message caching.


  • Single-Tier - UI, Backend business logic, DB in the same machine single-tier.jpeg Pros: no latency, data safety Cons: The business cannot control after software releases.

  • Two-Tier - Client with UI and business logic, backend server includes DB. client-server-architecture.jpeg Pros: UI, application logic & DB all in different machines.

  • Three-Tier - Client with UI, three-tier-architecture.jpeg

  • N Tier > 3 components. Cache, Message queues for asynchronous behavior, load balancers. search server web microservice.

Layers and Tiers


What's web architecture

Multiple components like DB, message queue, cache, UI runs together to form an online service.


Client Server Architecture(request-response model)

Client: presentation part of the application, HTML, JS, CSS.

open-source technologies popular for writing the web-based user interface are ReactJS, AngularJS, VueJS, Jquery

StackOverflow popular technology


Thin client: just UI. No business logic. Just like a three-tier application. Thick(Fat) client: holds some business logic. Two-tier applications. Utility apps (docker registry), online games.



Web servers means application servers.

Other servers include proxy server, mail server, file server, virtual server.

Server side rendering

Render the UI on the backend and send it to the client.


HTTP protocol

Stateless protocol.


REST stands for Representational State Transfer. It’s a software architectural style for implementing web services. Web services implemented using the REST architectural style are known as the RESTful Web services.

RESTful Web services allow the requesting systems to access and manipulate textual representations of Web resources by using a uniform and predefined set of stateless operations.


Stateless communication between client and server.

REST Endpoint: url of a service.

REST-API gateway.


HTTP Push & Pull

Clients use AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript & XML) to send requests to the server in the HTTP Pull based mechanism.

There are multiple technologies involved in the HTTP Push based mechanism such as:

  • Ajax Long polling
  • Web Sockets
  • HTML5 Event Source
  • Message Queues
  • Streaming over HTTP


AJAX uses an XMLHttpRequest(XHR) object for sending the requests to the server which is built-in the browser and uses JavaScript to update the HTML DOM

AJAX is commonly used with the Jquery

This dynamic technique of requesting information from the server after regular intervals is known as Polling.

HTTP Pull-Push differences:


Persistent connection and heartbeat interceptors, which is resource intensive.

Long opened connections can be implemented by multiple techniques such as Ajax Long Polling, Web Sockets, Server-Sent Events etc.

Web sockets - bidirectional data flow

messaging, chat applications, real-time social streams & browser-based massive multiplayer games which have quite a number of read writes in comparison to a regular web app

The WebSocket API & Introducing WebSockets – Bringing Sockets to the Web

Long Polling

lies somewhere between Ajax & Web Sockets. instead of immediately returning the response, the server holds the response until it finds an update to be sent to the client.

HTML5 Event Source API & Server Sent Events(SSE)

Server-sent events - Web APIs | MDN

SSE is ideal for scenarios such as a real-time feed like that of Twitter, displaying stock quotes on the UI, real-time notifications etc.

HTML5 & a JavaScript Stream API

Streams API concepts - Web APIs

Client-Side Vs Server-Side Rendering

We can use server-side rendering for the home page & for the other static content on our website & use client-side rendering for the dynamic pages.